Friday, June 25, 2010

Maiden Overkill

I make no excuses. I have been on an Iron Maiden binge for the last week. They have been My Perfect Band of the Day for six days now with no end in sight.

It's the classics that are grabbing me. Wednesday it was the epic Rime of the Ancient Mariner. While not the most recognizable or 'popular' Maiden song, Rime may very well be their best and most representative song. It's a long one though with a fairly useless middle section dedicated to bass arpeggios and duel guitar noodleing. But they come back so strong, with the bass playing an octave above the rhythm guitar. This is a nice trick. Is this a Maiden trick? --They are champions of repeating the rhythm- they force you to memorize it and chant it during your workday! Hell, Thursday I 'da da dadadad' The Trooper from 4:30 until after midnight; I just couldn't stop.

Today it was me and my 7-year-old connecting to, 'Can I Play with Madness' while watching Flight 666 on the T.V.He just freakin loves that song--jumps up on the coffee table with his drumsticks in hand, makes a tough guy face and punches the sticks into the air as he screams, "CAN I PLAY WITH MAGNETS". It's a perfect song at a perfect moment.

The world need a s FEW more bands like Iron Maiden. Bands that can pump out great rhythms and melodies with a few tricks up their sleeves and not worry about with the world will say. After all these years. Iron Maiden is an original.

Very Sleepy; More to come soon:


Friday, June 18, 2010


Good morning. This is my second blog effort and I hope this one will work! I so desperately want to talk about music with the world! Like a great song, I just have to find the right hook. My previous attempt, "Five Songs to Blog About" was just too ambitious and lacked the focus necessary for a successful blog.

My goal with 'My Perfect Song of the Day' is to create a reflection forum based on a single song concept. If you're reading this it is likely that you listen to dozens of songs every day. I want you to post about the ONE that connected with you on that proverbial Higher Level.

Obviously, you don't connect like this every day! Maybe only once a week or month. Whatever the case, when you hear a song that puts you in 'The Zone' or possibly puts everyone around you in the 'The Zone', post it here! Let us know, and tell us why. If you'd like, include a link to the material.

First Post:

It was just another late night drive home from Boulder to Erie. 30 minutes of personal time. 30 minutes of MY music. I work four nights a week, so I get some solid 'my music' time!

Tuesday night I was rolling through a Genius MP3 based on Iron Maiden's 'Two Minutes to Midnight' so the selections were of the harder variety. Windows open, 50mph, big volume....And than... Haunting, quiet strings--barely audible. Any Zeppelin fan knows what's coming, but even after the 500th listen, we're still not exactly sure when! --More strings but a little louder--more variation; a little quicker pace. And than, Plant. "In the eeeeeevening" BOOM! Bonham, Page and Jones hit you square in the package and they don't get off for six minutes. Seriously, the back-beat was hitting me in the chest--so heavy, deliberate and punishing. Plant howling, "I need your love"--Bonham DEMANDING it--Page is happy to follow along with a needed jangle until the 3:45 mark. Holy shit! The reverb kicks the solo so hard and than actually falls in BEHIND the rhythm. Pure genius.

There are layers to In the Evening that some Zeppelin purest hate. I'm not one of those purists. This song connected like a Tyson on Spink's chin--I'm still a little fuzzy 72 hours later.


It's really a simple blog. Enjoy and please participate often.